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  • Writer's pictureYOONSEO LEE

Goodbye, First Semester! - #15

December 13, 2021

When I turned in my finalized and completed original work to Canvas last Friday evening, I felt a surge of emotion that I could not explain with words. I guess I could say that I was bittersweet. Having completed my original work, I was relieved that I got it done and was able to create a project of my passion that I spent hours thinking about, but also melancholy that I will not be able to "stress" about it anymore. I thought that I would be happy to "get it over with," but this was an experience that I have never had before, and it was almost as if I built a personal relationship with my original work itself. This was one of the first times where I initiated a project from scratch solely by myself, especially a project of my own choice that I enjoyed every moment of. Saying that I learned "a lot" would be an understatement. I was able to get an insight of what it would be like to become a professional in the music business industry, and what it is like to create a detailed business plan of a startup company with a specialized marketing technique to aim towards a specific group of audience. I got to think more seriously about my future and whether this field would be something I would genuinely enjoy or not as an adult. I spent hours brainstorming and researching for my original work, and this gave me confidence about my topic as well as my research skills. I feel more professional regarding my mindset and have a very good understanding of the professional business world compared to the first day we learned about our first big project of the first semester. I cannot believe that this week is the last week of the first semester. I am extremely excited for what will be waiting for us in our second semester of our ISM journey, and I also want to thank Coach Goff for leading us towards success this semester and for helping us gain more confidence in ourselves!

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